Child Care and Preschool Hours
**Registration for the 2024-25 School Year Starts January 2024**
**Fall 2024**
*Enroll for the 2024-25 School Year!!!*
*Classes Begin August 26th*
*Openings Available for Children 3yrs-5yrs*
*Openings for Children 2 1/2yrs** Currently Full*
Only Full-time/Full Day (5 day a week classes) Offered at This Time
Full Day Classes Available to Fit Your Work Schedule-----
-Hours Available Between 7:00am - 4:30pm
-No Charge for Holidays or School Breaks
-Tuition includes - Breakfast, am Snack, Lunch, pm Snack
-Preschool/Pre-K is Included in the Daily Tuition
-Puyallup Area Teachers - Closed & No Charge for School Breaks or
-Teachers - Open All Supplemental Days and Conference Days
Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool operates only during the school year, following Puyallup School District's calendar.
Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool is closed during the summer, and all school closures including Winter and Spring Breaks. SHCC is open for professional days and conference days for the Puyallup School District.
Preschool/Pre-K hours with extended care are offered between 7:00am and 4:30pm. Hours for child care and preschool/pre-k are pre-arranged by each family to include up to 9 hours of care per day included in the daily tuition rate.
Preschool/Pre-K plus breakfast, am snack, lunch and pm snack are included in the full-day daily tuition.
No charge for days off, including holidays, winter break, spring break, and summer break. Sunny Hill Childcare and Preschool is closed during these breaks and holidays.
Each month is calculated to include all school days and professional days in the Puyallup School District calendar. A daily rate is multiplied by the number of days of attendance each month.
Preschool/Pre-K, Breakfast, am Snack, Lunch, and pm Snack are Included in the Full-Day Daily Tuition Rate!
An invoice is given each month in advance for number of school and professional days on the Puyallup School District's schedule. As the number of days of attendance is different each month, monthly tuition is varied as a daily rate is applied.
The monthly tuition is due on the first day of scheduled attendance of the month in advance of care.
There is NO charge for days off of school, holidays or closed snow days.
There is NO charge for Winter Break, Spring Break or Summer Break.